April 2021

Pauline’s Dorset Button session on Friday on April 16 added to the enjoyment of Strathmatters rug making this month.

Dorset buttons are colourful thread wound embroidered rings. The button craft originated in the county of Dorset in the 17th century. Pictured above Pauline’s Dorset buttons.

Pauline taught the Strathmatters group how to make Dorset Cartwheel Buttons.

Pauline pictured with Angela.

Absorbed in Dorset buttons above.

Kathy brought her newly finished proddy rug made from her old t-shirts.

Strathmatters meet at 10am on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

Remember to bring three jars with lids and flowers for the next session. Yvonne will take the group through the process of dyeing.

Until then do you rug or will you button? Cheers Chris.

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